New Pots

A few pictures of pots from our November firing, as featured in our Christmas exhibition. More to follow soon. Click image to enlarge.

Dunbar Pottery -Christmas Exhibition

Saturday/Sunday 10/11 December, 10am-4pm

Philip Revell and Catherine Chart are now working together as ‘Dunbar Pottery’. Our first joint exhibition is in our basement studio at 27 High Street over the weekend 10th/11th December. The exhibition will include quite a number of pots from the latest firing of our woodfired, Anagama kiln at Phantassie.

We will be open from 10am-4pm both days and look forward to seeing you then.


Firing Two

Over the past few months Catherine and I have made various modifications to our kiln at Phantassie. These include enlarging the exit flues, raising the height of the chimney, adding extra insulation, building pre-heated air inlets to the sidestoke area and creating a stepped internal floor -all of which we hoped would make it easier to reach top temperature and to achieve the results we are after. Last week we finished stacking pots in the modified kiln and spent three days firing it for the second time.
We were blessed with perfect weather and the kiln was certainly much easier to control and fire.
Were the results worth the effort? We will have to wait and see when we crack the kiln open this evening. The video below gives a glimpse of the firing process.