‘100 Pots’ Online Exhibition

This year, my annual Christmas, open-studio, exhibition will be online.

Featuring 100 of the best pots selected from my most recent firing, plus a few old favourites from my showroom that are still waiting to find a home, the exhibition will be live in my online shop for two weeks from 8am on Monday 30th November to Sunday 13th December inclusive. All being well, I will be arranging a preview weekend on Saturday/Sunday 28th/29th November when it will be possible to book a 30 minute slot to visit my studio and see, handle and purchase the pots in the flesh. More details soon.

Another firing

I’ve just added the last few pots to the stack nearest the firebox ready for this year’s delayed firing.  Time to let go of any attachment to any expected  or desired outcomes and brick up the wicket.